Maintain Your Sprinkler System With This Tips
Maintaining your irrigation system will reduce water loss, extend the life of your equipment, and keep your lawn healthy. But the procedures you need to follow to do this (and how often) will vary depending on your system.
It is not easy to quickly detect leaks and internal resilient damage, looking through them outside. Following routine maintenance can help determine if the sprinkler components are operating properly to reduce water loss.
Here are some simple guides to ensure your irrigation system is in good shape.
Opening, Inspecting, and Cleaning Sprinkler Heads
When spring arrives, inspect the sprinkler heads for damage from improper installation, vandalism, normal wear and tear and mowers. Look for clogged nozzles and missing or damaged parts. They can become clogged with a dirty water source or debris entering the system, which can affect the spray pattern.
Repairing sprinklers / nozzles without inspection can be expensive. All clogged parts must be cleaned; damaged parts should be replaced to avoid wasting water and to make sure your lawn has enough water. Also, make sure all nozzles retract and rise straight when the water is turned on or off.
Adjust the Sprinkler Heads
Make sure sprinklers are properly positioned to water your lawn, not driveways, streets, or sidewalks. Tilted heads can cause water to irrigate one side only and result in dry spots. Incorrectly positioned heads can waste water and money.
Twist the spray head to match the nozzle pattern to the area that needs to be sprayed.
Check for Swampy Areas and Browning Grass
When checking the sprinkler heads, keep an eye out for areas with stagnant water and brown spots. If you notice swampy areas, chances are that the sprinkler head is delivering too much water or your drainage isn’t working properly. In this case, cut back on the water supply and look into the drainage. Browning grass probably means that the area isn’t receiving adequate water. This could be the result of clogging in the line or sprinkler head.
Flush the System
It is best to flush the system once in the spring as the starting point of your lawn irrigation system and nozzles may be clogged with debris. A contaminated water source or regular wear and tear can also do the same.
In addition to flushing the system, it is necessary to install covers on the sprinkler heads. This can improve the filtration system and prevent clogging.
Optimize the Programming
If you have an automatic sprinkler system, set the timer (also called the controller) to water the grass. Remember, different types of grass have different water needs, so you should know how much water is required to set the controller.
Adjust the settings depending on the season so your lawn receives adequate water. Grass grows slower and requires less water during cooler months, as the water doesn’t evaporate as fast as during the warmer ones. Turn the controller off during extended periods of rain.
Upgrade to the Latest Technology
If you have a sprinkler that is less than five years old, chances are you can install a controller to improve the system’s efficiency.
Technology is rapidly evolving and homeowners looking to streamline this system can incorporate it into their property. New systems are available that allow homeowners to connect their sprinkler systems to the cloud and Wi-Fi to make programming changes when necessary. This can be done daily without much hassle or the need to focus on individual zone requirements.
By upgrading your sprinkler system, you enjoy the ease of accessibility and operation along with reducing water waste.
Contact a Professional
If these tips are overwhelming or you simply don’t have the time to do everything yourself, contact a professional contractor.
Though not necessary, having a professional like Brunswick Irrigation Company to maintain your lawn irrigation system ensures a more hands-off solution, especially for homeowners managing a large property. They can look into all the maintenance-related tasks mentioned here (and more). They will also be able to carry out necessary repairs, troubleshoot issues, and make programming adjustments.
Inspecting your sprinkler at regular intervals is very important because an efficient and well-maintained lawn sprinkler helps your lawn thrive. It might not be easy for you to follow a DIY sprinkler maintenance routine. Take help from experienced and reliable lawn sprinkler companies that offer seasonal care and ensure that your lawn irrigation system runs smoothly year-round.